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Houston's African-American History: A Learning Journey
About this event
We are fortunate to have Naomi Carrier, Founder and CEO of the Texas Center for African American Living History, as a member of our League - with deep family roots in our South Central Texas community. Naomi has offered to be our guide on a Learning Journey on Houston's African-American History on Wednesday, February 5.
February is Black History Month, and this journey will help members of our League deepen their understanding of the complex relationship between African Americans and Europeans in Texas and grow their awareness of African Americans' contributions to Houston and South Central Texas over the years.
We will begin at the El Dorado Ballroom - meeting the parking lot there at 10:00 a.m. Journey highlights include a visit at Texas Southern Univesity, the Gregory Library in the 4th Ward, the Buffalo Soldier's Museum, and the Columbia Tapp Rail Trail.
The $40/person cost includes admissions and lunch. Unless demand warrants a larger vehicle, we will have room for Naomi, the driver, and 13 League members and friends - with space provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
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