Benefits of Membership
By joining our League, you will have opportunities to:
Choose how you want to be involved! As an all-volunteer organization, we understand about busy lives and full calendars, and welcome people who choose to be regularly or occasionally active as well as those who don't have time to volunteer but want to be associated with our League.
- Have priority access to League programs, publications and discussions.
- Encourage informed voting in your community by helping to register voters and educate the community.
- Learn about issues that impact our community, and help create change.
- Meet new people! Our members are welcoming, smart, engaging and hopeful.
- Develop new skills! Gain experience in advocacy, public speaking and research.
- Add your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and U.S. territories.
With your local membership, you become a member of the LWV of the United States and LWV of Texas.
About Membership
- Any person 16 years of age or older who subscribes to the purposes and policies of the League is eligible for membership.
- Your membership with the League is for one year, renewable annually.
- Household memberships make it possible for two people living at the same address to join the League for a reduced price.
- Student memberships are available to anyone who is actively enrolled in school (full or part-time).
- Sustaining members help support our League by including an additional donation along with their membership fees. Thank you for considering this option!
LWV of South Central Texas is a 501(c)3 organization. Membership fees and donations to our League are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.