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From the President

Buddy Up to Keep Showing Up
By Janis Richardson
Posted: 2023-07-02T22:39:57Z

I turned the page on my calendar yesterday from June to July, and here is the message that I saw: "Buddy Up! Creative buddies create momentum, support, and the inspiration to keep showing up." Gasp! That's the perfect message for now.

As the founder and leader of our new League, I started out as the "do alot of it" person by necessity. Beginning with just five of us around a kitchen table, we were all "do alot of it" people. And, we did a lot in those first few years.

But we're now in a different phase of growth - covering a five county area and finding new people almost daily who are inspired by the League's vision of empowering voters and defending democracy and want to join. We've built connections with other League in Texas and New York State, and those connections have expanded our vision of what is possible. We have gotten good an "first date ideas" - trying something to see if it works, building on if it does, and moving on if it does not. And, we now have some experience under our belt so each election season, each Women's History Month, each time the Texas legislature is in session, we have some experience on which to build.

What is clear to me now as the League president is that we have quickly passed the few people doing a lot stage. We are now clearly in that exciting time of getting things done through "many people doing something". The leader role has changed from mostly doing to mostly planning, inspiring, facilitating, reminding (of what we have accomplished and have yet to do), and keeping wheels turning.

I have been in the place before with other organizations in my work and volunteer life. While I love the freedom of the "do alot of it" place, I am thrilled beyond words when i see the "many people doing something" place coming around the corner. That's when I know that we will be okay - and that there is real staying power to the organization that we have created. Those "what if" middle-of-the-night worries fade away with the knowledge that enough is in place for others to step in and not only keep things going, but to keep things growing!

That's why I loved seeing this message today. How true it is that when we buddy up, we find the momemtum, support and inspiration we need to keep showing up! In these days when it is tempting to turn off the news, look the other way, and embrace a defeatist attitude - "what can I do about this, anyway?" - it is my League friends who help me over those humps and keep me going.

That's why I love that our League is up front that making friends is essential for making change. Our Book Group, Adopt-a-Highway program, and how we structure our meetings shows that we understand that we need to buddy up to keep showing up! Thank you, calendar, for the affirmation I received today when I flipped to page to the new month, which is sure to be brimming with tasks and new opportunities. And thank you to my League buddies for providing the momentum, support and inspiration I need to keep showing up!

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